Relief from celiac artery compression allows Linda Lafleur a stronger relationship with God.


For months, Harrison resident Linda Lafleur experienced a constant pain in her back that she couldn’t place – and, for months, thought she would have to learn to live with the discomfort.

That was until she met Dr. Omar P. Haqqani, Chief of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at Vascular Health Clinics in Midland, MI.

From the beginning of July, Linda began to experience a severe, debilitating pain in her chest that neither her, nor her doctor, were able to immediately pinpoint.

“My daughter did some research and is usually right about this kind of stuff,” Linda said. “At first we thought it was something with my gall bladder, but before my doctor examined it, he decided to check if it was heart trouble first.”

The doctor’s assumption was correct, as it was discovered that Linda’s celiac artery was both compressed and completely blocked with plaque. Linda stated that, during her appointment, she found it odd to be diagnosed with a heart issue, as she hadn’t experienced any other symptoms prior to the pain in her chest.

“They found a partial obstruction in my artery, and after checking it again, it was completely blocked off,” Linda said. “The pain just wouldn’t go away, and I wasn’t able to do my usual errands and activities.”

That was when she was transferred to Dr. Haqqani, who explained that Linda would have to under go a procedure that would clear the blockage, allowing for renewed blood flow between her heart and the rest of her body.

Though admittedly nervous about the procedure, Linda complimented Dr. Haqqani’s ability to not only explain the procedure thoroughly, but also assure her of the low risk of complications.

“He was such a great help to me,” Linda said. “I was even partially awake during the surgery, fully conscious of what was happening to me, and I still felt comfortable.”

Linda was also taken back by how courteous, friendly and helpful Vascular Health Clinics’ staff was.

“In the past, I haven’t had luck with most male nurses, but the nurse at the clinic was really, really good,” Linda said. “He was the only male nurse I’ve ever had that I really liked.”

With a little rest, Linda was released from Vascular Health Clinics after her procedure, and reported the pain began to go away soon after the procedure.

With her schedule opened up and her health no longer limiting her, Linda is now able to spend more time with her husband Earl, and become more active with her church.

“My (first) husband and I moved here in 1994 at the home I live in now, but I originally grew up in Detroit. My husband’s job took us to all sorts of places that we moved to Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio, then Michigan.”

For many years, Linda was a stay-at-home wife, raising six children – five boys and one girl. Now that she has more free time, however, she’s continued to build a closer relationship with God, her husband, and her family.

“I read the Bible a lot,” Linda said. “I’ve had so many health problems, and I truly believe that I wouldn’t be walking today if it wasn’t for God. He’s provided my family and I with everything we could possibly have.”

Because of the life-saving procedure that Linda underwent, thanks to Dr. Haqqani, Linda will get to continue strengthening her relationship with God more and more each day.


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